Prior to the passing of a dear friend Jaii in 2012 I did not know I could communicate with those who are deceased. I was aware I was a healer and channelled Arch Angels at times. As a part of the healing process sometimes individuals can benefit and heal by connecting with their loved ones who have crossed.

Jaii  “Kim and I are twin flames, our energies are perfectly synchronized with each other. We are always connected it’s not possible for us to be separated energetically. Even in our time on earth together our souls communicated to one another. We felt each others energy without knowing it on a conscious level. When I move to Hawaii in 2008 I could not longer feel her energy and became increasingly depressed. I died so I could be with her. My purpose here is suicided prevention, assisting Kim to channel quantum information that assists with the creation of heaven on earth. Kim and I agreed to do this eons ago. Channeling is natural but the ability to do so was hidden. We are assisting many with our love for each other and the commitment we made long ago.”

As for myself: with mixed emotion due to my emotional involvement with Jaii, I wondered was this necessary to this degree? The response from Jaii was the verse of a rush song played in my head “The men who hold high places must be the ones who start. To mold a new reality closer to the heart.” 💜 

Stay tuned, more to come.”