
Studies have shown hypnosis is more effective when understood and fears and misconceptions are removed. Many people base what they know about hypnosis from a television or stage show. Anyone of normal intelligence can do hypnosis. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis. If you’ve seen a session where someone does not emerge when instructed, it’s because their in a state of relaxation that’s so deep and feels so good, they do not want to emerge.

     Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, where your senses are actually hyper alert. Sensations, feelings, and memories can easily be accessed when suggested. It’s similar to a guided meditation. The difference being in meditation the purpose is to quiet the mind in order to be more receptive. In hypnosis you’re trying to provoke a reaction, a thought, memory picture or sensation.

     Whenever we do hypnosis we need to think of the mind as having 3 parts: the conscious mind, the sub-conscious mind, and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind is thinking and analytical and limited. You can only consciously remember 7-9 bits of information at one time. The subconscious mind is unlimited. It’s like a vast library of every experience you’ve ever had. It works by comparing and by associations; it’s where habits are formed. You spontaneously pull from your sub-conscious mind periodically.  Then there’s the unconscious mind, it controls your nervous system, heart rate and breathing. Somewhere between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind is the critical factor. This is the skeptical part of your mind. There’s also access to the spirit mind thru hypnosis. It’s mentioned in the bible refer to as ecstasies. It’s a mistranslation from the Hebrew to the Greek; its meaning is the root to ecstasy.  Hypnosis is safe and natural. In over 200 years experience with hypnosis no one has ever been harmed. And as a matter of fact you’ve already been in and out of hypnosis thousands of times in your life. One common example is referred to as highway hypnosis. When you’re driving down the road thinking about what you’re going to do on the weekend and all the sudden you realize you missed your exit. You were focused on what you were doing and put yourself into a light state of trance and missed your exit. Any form of daydream can produce trance. These are examples of light level of trance. There are deeper levels of trance where anesthesia or analgesia. This also happens naturally, for example when you notice cuts or bruises on your arms or legs that you have no knowledge of its origin. What happened was you were focused on what you were doing you spontaneously were in a deep state of trance and cut or bumped yourself without realizing it. In very deep levels of trance positive or negative hallucinations can be experienced, such as seeing things that are not there or not seeing things that are there. This may sound a little mysterious but this also happens spontaneously. If you’ve ever looked for something and been unable to find it, and then later found it exactly where you were looking; you experienced a negative hallucination.Hypnosis by definition is the blocking of the critical factor (the part of your mind that rejects change) so that new selective thinking may be initiated. A deep state of relaxation is used and direct suggestions are given for the desired result. This process requires 1-2 sessions and works for issues that do not have deep emotional ties. It is similar to meditation or a guided visualization.

The difference between meditation and hypnosis is purpose, both are altered states. When meditating you are trying to quiet the mind to become more receptive. With hypnotherapy you are trying to provoke a reaction by dissolving away erroneous programming within your subconscious mind. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis and would not say or do anything you wouldn’t normally say or do.

 Hypnotherapy:5 part abreactive therapy, is individual sessions that are designed to eliminate the emotional aspects within the issue. 4-5 weekly or bi-weekly sessions. 5 path is preferable to 7th path is if the individual is not motivated to practice independently or has no concept of a higher power.

7th Path Self  Hypnosis is a spirit, body, mind approach toward wholeness. Can be done in individual or group session. This program is generic to any spiritual or religious background. A symbol of a higher power is used and each individual substitutes the symbol for his or her own personal higher power. The individual is taught how to put themselves into hypnosis and practice independently. A tape is available for independent practice.

Sessions in person, by phone, facetime, skype or zoom.

Kimberly Voigt; Master Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified 5 Part Practitioners and 7th Path Self-hypnosis Instructor.